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quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

15-O: Manifestações se espalham pelo mundo em protesto contra a crise econômica

Este dia 15-O virou uma verdadeira onda de protestos pelo mundo. Isto, no mesmo final de semana quando acontece uma reunião do G-20, na França. Milhares foram as ruas para se manifestar, entre outras bandeiras, contra a ‘ganância coporativa’, contra o desemprego e a redução de direitos.

Segundo o site da organização, este 15 de outubro seria um dia para “unir nossa voz e dizer aos políticos e às elites financeira que cabe a nós, o povo, decidir nosso futuro”.

Além das inúmeras lutas desde de 2008, o colapso na economia nos países europeus provocou a mobilização dos ‘Indignados’, que impulsionou e serviu de exemplo para o mundo mais recentemente. Os primeiros protestos começaram em maio, em Madri.

Já nos Estados Unidos, o movimento Ocupe Wall Street, que começou em Nova Iorque, está se espalhando por diversas regiões país e também pelo mundo.

Manifestações - Nos Estados Unidos, integrantes do movimento realizaram passeatas neste dia 15. Mais dois movimentos, o “Ocupe DC”, inspirado no similar nova-iorquino e o “Outubro 2011″, já ocupam as ruas de Washington há alguns dias e também realizaram atos políticos neste sábado. Houve prisões em Chicago.

As grandes cidades europeias, como Berlim, Paris, Bruxelas, Madri, Londres e Atenas, tiveram suas ruas tomadas pelos manifestantes.

Na Itália, os protestos contra as grandes empresas e o setor financeiro terminou em violência. Em Roma, havia cerca de 100 mil pessoas em torno do Coliseu, carros foram incendiados e a polícia usou gás lacrimogêneo.

Houve ainda protestos no Canadá. Na Ásia e Oceania,  também ocorreram protestos: na Austrália e na Nova Zelândia.

No Japão sob o lema Ocupe Tóquio, manifestantes percorreram debaixo de chuva o centro da cidade. Eles também passaram pela sede da Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), operadora da usina atômica de Fukushima Daiichi, epicentro da catástrofe nuclear de 11 de março.

As capitais das Filipinas e Indonésia também se somaram ao movimento, no centro de Manila para protestar contra o imperialismo dos Estados Unidos.

Brasil – No Brasil também houve manifestações na Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul, Pará, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Alagoas e Amazonas, entre outros.

Em São Paulo, 200 pessoas do 15-O acamparam no Vale do Anhagabaú. Em sua maioria estudantes, os manifestantes exigiam 10% do PIB para a Educação, protestavam contra a construção da usina de Belo Monte e o novo código florestal, a exploração e a opressão. O movimento exigiu também o fim das “remoções de famílias para construção de obras da Copa e Olimpíadas”, bem como o gasto público com essas obras e por um “SUS público e de qualidade”, fim da “criminalização dos movimentos sociais” “por uma Comissão da Verdade, Memória e Justiça autônoma, que julgue os assassinos e torturadores.” O acampamento prossegue nesta segunda-feira.

Em Minas também houve acampamento. Cerca de 150 pessoas se concentraram  na Praça da Assembleia, centro de Belo Horizonte e pernoitaram. No dia seguinte, como parte da mobilização, houve plenária da Anel e logo após  uma visita a ocupação Dandara, ameaçada de despejo.  Cerca de 600 pessoas participaram a ação, entre movimentos sociais como o MTST, centrais sindicais, partidos de esquerda.

Com informações da Caros Amigos, BBC, Esquerda.Net e agencias

Confira algumas fotos:

Students in South America, especially Chile and Colombia, have taken to the streets to protest against plannend changes in the education system in their respective countries. The protests in Chile have been going on for months and have often resulted in clashes with riot police. The same is now happening in Colombia.

Student Protests In South America
1 Demonstrators gather during a student rally against the government's public education system in Santiago city September 22, 2011. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado

Student Protests In South America
3 A demonstrator throws a stone against riot police vehicles during a student rally against the government's public education system in Santiago city September 22, 2011. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Victor Ruiz Caballero
Student Protests In South America
4 A high school student is arrested by riot policemen during a rally against the closing of their schools at the Providencia neighborhood in Santiago city September 26, 2011. Providencia's Mayor, on Friday, ordered the end of the school year, the closing of local schools, and cancelled the admission of students taking part in the movement. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado
Student Protests In South America
5 A riot police vehicle releases a jet of water on students during a rally against the closing of their schools at the Providencia neighborhood in Santiago city September 26, 2011. Providencia's Mayor, on Friday, ordered the end of the school year, the closing of local schools, and cancelled the admission of students taking part in the movement. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado
Student Protests In South America
6 A high school student blocks a riot police vehicle during a rally against the closing of their schools at the Providencia neighborhood in Santiago city September 26, 2011. Providencia's Mayor, on Friday, ordered the end of the school year, the closing of local schools, and cancelled the admission of students taking part in the movement. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Victor Ruiz Caballero
Student Protests In South America
7 Riot policemen try to arrest a student during a rally against the closing of their schools at the Providencia neighborhood in Santiago city September 26, 2011. Providencia's Mayor, on Friday, ordered the end of the school year, the closing of local schools, and cancelled the admission of students taking part in the movement. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Victor Ruiz Caballero
Student Protests In South America
8 Riot policemen are covered by tear gas as they clash with demonstrators during a rally to protest against the government and the public state education system in Santiago city September 29, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the system. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado
Student Protests In South America
9 A demonstrator throws a tear gas canister at riot police during a protest against the government and the public state education system at Santiago city September 29, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Victor Ruiz Caballero
Student Protests In South America
10 A riot police officer punches a student during a protest against the government and the public state education system at Santiago city September 29, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Victor Ruiz Caballero
Student Protests In South America
11 Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest against the government and the public state education system at Santiago city September 29, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Carlos Vera
Student Protests In South America
12 Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest against the government and the public state education system at Santiago city September 29, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Carlos Vera
Student Protests In South America
13 Demonstrators carry a metal railing past a burning barricade during a protest against the government to demand changes in the public state education system in Valparaiso city, about 121 km (75 miles) northwest of Santiago, September 29, 2011. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Eliseo Fernandez
Student Protests In South America
Student Protests In South America
15 Students throw stones at riot police during a protest against the government to demand changes in the public state education system in Valparaiso city, about 121 km (75 miles) northwest of Santiago, September 29, 2011. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Eliseo Fernandez
Student Protests In South America
16 A demonstrator is arrested after being taken down as they climb up the windows of the government palace during a rally in Santiago, October 5, 2011. Demonstrators are demanding a National Constituent Assembly in order to protect the natural and energy resources, and the state's role on health, education, welfare and housing system, according to local media. REUTERS/Victor Ruiz Caballero
Student Protests In South America
17 Demonstrators clash with riot policemen during a rally against the public state education system in Santiago October 6, 2011. Chilean students are demanding free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado
Student Protests In South America
18 A riot policeman shoots tear gas against demonstrators during a rally against the public state education system at Santiago, October 6, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado
Student Protests In South America
19 A demonstrator takes cover from a jet of water during a rally against the public state education system at Santiago, October 6, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Carlos Vera
Student Protests In South America
20 A demonstrator carries a metal barrier past a burning barricade during a protest against the government to demand changes in the public state education system in Valparaiso city, about 121 km (75 miles) northwest of Santiago, October 6, 2011. The students are demanding free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Eliseo Fernandez
Student Protests In South America
21 A demonstrator throws a tear gas canister as they clash with riot policemen during a rally against the public state education system in Santiago, October 6, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado
Student Protests In South America
22 A demonstrator hits a police vehicle during a rally against the public state education system at Santiago, October 6, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Cristobal Saavedra
Student Protests In South America
23 Demonstrators clash with riot policemen during a rally against the public state education system at Santiago, October 6, 2011. Chilean students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public state education system. REUTERS/Cristobal Saavedra
Student Protests In South America
24 A student holding her belongings is seen through a police riot shield during an evacuation of the Catholic University of Valparaiso, which remained occupied by students for four months in protest against the government to demand changes in the public state education system in Valparaiso city, about 121 km (75 miles) northwest of Santiago, October 10, 2011. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Eliseo Fernandez
Student Protests In South America
25 Riot police are seen during an evacuation of the Catholic University of Valparaiso, which remained occupied by students for four months in protest against the government to demand changes in the public state education system in Valparaiso city, about 121 km (75 miles) northwest of Santiago, October 10, 2011. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Eliseo Fernandez
Student Protests In South America
26 A riot policeman walks past a wall with posters with an image of Chilean president Sebastian Pinera, dressed as a riot policeman during an evacuation of the Catholic University of Valparaiso, which remained occupied by students for four months in protest against the government to demand changes in the public state education system in Valparaiso city, about 121 km (75 miles) northwest of Santiago, October 10, 2011. The students are demanding for free and better state education, as well as for an end to profit-making in the public education system. REUTERS/Eliseo Fernandez
Student Protests In South America
27 Riot policemen stand guard, with shields splattered with paint from protesters, during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
28 Students react against riot policemen during a protest march in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
29 Students take part in a march during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
Student Protests In South America
31 Students take part in a march during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
32 A student reacts against riot policemen during a protest march in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
33 A student takes part in a march during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
34 Riot policemen stand guard, with shields splattered with paint from protesters, during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
35 A student takes part in a march during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
36 A student takes part in a march during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
37 Students react against riot policemen during a protest march in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
38 Students take part in a march during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Student Protests In South America
39 Students take part in a march during a demonstration in Medellin October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Albeiro Lopera
Student Protests In South America
40 A student takes part in a march during a demonstration in Medellin October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nation wide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Albeiro Lopera
Student Protests In South America
41 Students take part in a march during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nationwide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Fredy Builes
Student Protests In South America
42 Students take part in a march during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nationwide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Fredy Builes
Student Protests In South America
43 A student protester throws paint at riot policemen holding shields during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nationwide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Fredy Builes
Student Protests In South America
44 A student protester faces off riot police during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nationwide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Fredy Builes
Student Protests In South America
45 Student protesters take part in a march during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nationwide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Fredy Builes
Student Protests In South America
Student Protests In South America
47 Student protesters react to tear gas during a demonstration in Bogota October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nationwide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Fredy Builes
Student Protests In South America
48 Student protesters light lanterns during a demonstration in Cartagena October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nationwide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Joaquin Sarmiento
Student Protests In South America
49 Student protesters light lanterns during a demonstration in Cartagena October 12, 2011. Thousands of students marched in a nationwide protest against the education government's reform of public universities, student organizations reported. REUTERS/Joaquin Sarmiento

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